It is not easy to find the experts in our industry! We can help!

SEIP has a network of over 3,000 experienced environmental risks managers, insurance brokers, engineers, lenders, consultants, underwriters, attorney’s, and many more!  We will gladly use our network to refer business professionals that could quickly and effectively assist in your project, case, or business proposal! 


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Expert Witnesses

Brownfield Development Risk Advisory

Accounting and Finance Consultants

Legal Counsel

Marketing and Graphic Designers

Risk Managers, Underwriters, and more expertise!


*Referrals are subject to a Referral Fee Agreement and/or Finder’s Fee Agreement


Expanding the use of environmental insurance as a risk management tool through education, technology, resources, innovation, and networking

The Society Of Environmental Insurance Professionals (SEIP) is a 501 c.3. nonprofit association dedicated to helping its members utilize environmental insurance products to provide more valuable services to their customers. SEIP enhances the professional capabilities of its members through focused educational forums, technology-enhanced knowledge management, and access to specialized multi-disciplined resources in fields related to environmental risk management.

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