Certified Environmental Insurance Professional

Exceptional Producer Training

Webinar Sessions: Starting in September

This is the first course in the CEIP certification series.  It is designed to accelerate the careers of insurance producers by avoiding the school of hard knocks.

Who Should Attend? 

This class is for insurance producers at all experience levels




Grow Your Knowledge The Right Way

This is not a CE class! This is about building exceptional insurance producers!
Learn proven business production concepts and strategies used to create two of the top 10 insurance producers, two of the top specialty brokers, and the Best Wholesale Specialized Practice-Environmental in the United States. Concepts can be applied to the day to day activities of every commercial insurance producer. These are all proven concepts developed through 30 years as an insurance broker in the commercial insurance sales.
Learn the trade secrets of New Business Development in this close learning setting from someone who is actually in the trenches. This course is not about theory! This is about efficiently and successfully producing new business!

Course Objectives

  • Learn sales techniques and strategies to excel.
  • Learn how to increase closing ratios by 300% by following a 4 step sales
  • Learn to use leveraged marketing platforms to expand your prospect base.


12 Course

 24 credits are required to achieve the certification. Each course is 2 credits with the option to earn CE as well! 

The Fall Program Coming Soon!

Subjects Covered

Taught by the leading experts in their fields, the subjects will include but are not limited to Sales Techniques, Underwriting Principals, Risk Financing, Claims, Policy Language, Risk Management, and General insurance Knowledge.


Course Access

All courses will be provided online with an option for you to attend in person! These you can complete at your own pace with a test following each lecture. 

Stay Tuned For More! 

SEIP 20189: Expanding The Market

This conference brings the insurance industry leading experts together in one place to share best practices and experiences, all with the single goal of expanding the sale of environmental insurance products.

Hosted at the:  Hyatt Regency Boston